Saturday, February 21, 2009

a bad food idea

Last night at The Rot, our dining facility at LU, Rachel and I had one of those "What?!" kind of moments. First of all, our main dining facility looks like this:

No, that's not us.

We walked into The Rot and found something different in the cheeseburger/grill cheese line. We found "S'more Quesadillas." Seriously. Someone in the back had the idea to take the extra tortillas shells, lather them in butter - twice - then spread approximately 0.3 ounces of marshmallow and 0.4 ounces of chocolate paste with a smidgen of crumbled graham cracker to top it off. Slide that puppy through the pizza oven and you've got a "S'more Quesadilla." Unreal. We fell for it.

One happy customer said, "Usually this would have been a good idea, but I think they put sea salt on the outside."

Against our better judgment, Rachel and I each took one out of the hot window. Mine was gone by my third bite of pollock. Rachel daintly ignored my gagging and gasping to finish the guts of the treat without subcombing to the over buttered edges of crips quesadilla.

This may sound like a negative post, but it wasn't all that bad of an evening. We ended up getting our friend Grace one before we left, and Rachel said, "Your gonna like this." :)


  1. i laughed really hard. oh the rot. when will they stop trying to be "creative" and cook the classic deliciousness.

  2. We have so many meal options now too. It's unreal how many places have opened up now. Before, we didn't even know what meal points were, now they're a staple of every on-campus student.
