Friday, January 23, 2009


We wear a lot of hats. Rachel is a graphic designing, professional painting, property managing, Resident Directing, CampusSERVER. I am a formerly professing, internship guiding, property managing, CampusSERVER. Of the many things we are proud of doing, most are volunteer. We've seen the beautiful things that can happen through our lives as we volunteer beyond our expected abilities.

God has us in a peculiar place right now. We love what we get paid to do, but cherish the moments when we are able to serve people. I'm the director of CampusSERVE at Liberty and Rachel is the Assistant to the Director of CampusSERVE at Liberty. We're an organization supported by Thomas Road Baptist Church and the Office of Spiritual Programs at Liberty. Rachel and I do administrative duties. That means tonight we are going to Wal-mart and buying cookies for 200, cups, chalk, sports equipment, first aids, etc. for this upcoming semester. It also means that we train and lead 23 amazing college students to lead other college students to do more than the 25 of us could do. We've had on average 210 student last semester. We've watched our students grow beyond their expected abilities, and we've seen ourselves become warn out every Saturday afternoon. Worth it.

Here is an article in the Liberty Journal [a big deal outside LU, but not as important at LU] that we had posted recently. You'll notice the name Candace Davey. The ironic thing is that she's the little sister of Ben Davey who was my oft roommate and co-coach at On Goal the first summer I worked with Tom & Rog. Small world. Big God.


  1. Loved the article.
    Ok, LOST. The lady who they led us to believe is Daniel's mother - she's also the woman from the antiques store that Desmond was buying the engagement ring from. The one who told Desmond that things had to happen in a specific way - she and Desmond sat and watched a man die, I believe, to prove her point. That he had to go back to the island. I find it interesting to think that she may be Daniel's mother... That would mean that Daniel has ties to the island before he was on the freighter. As far as I know, we haven't been given that information yet. Only that Charlotte has ties... And poor Charlotte - looks like she's dying from the time travel sickness. Like Desmond was getting and that the crazy guy from the freighter died from. I agree, Locke has a way of showing up at the strangest times. I missed the quality control part. Funny about the correlation to Creed... I love it when my favorite shows mention each other. I believe that Dwight has mentioned LOST before... which I found funny because it's on a different network. Ok, that's my info. Can't wait for next week.
    Ps. What about how Sun was manipulating Kate!! Sun was being so nasty - I'm curious as to what Sun and Widmore are really working together towards. If they are trying to FIND the island or DESTROY the island. Seeing as (according to Ben), if they don't all go back, the island will be destroyed. My favorite moment, Hurley throwing the hot pocket at Ben. Hurley is definitely one of the best characters on the show.

  2. Haha, you have me laughing about Hurley. My favorite topic of conversation is why Hurley hasn't been losing weight on the island. There are some fun scenarios that would lead to him staying at the same weight.
    Wow, I definitely did not remember that lady at all. That does shine a lot of light on it. I can't remember that episode, but I'm sure it is crucial because they played that eerie music when she turned around like we were supposed to know.
    Daniel DOES have a connection to the island before the freighter. He was there in the tunnel at the beginning of the episode when the crazy scientist from Dharma found the great energy pocket and wheel that Ben eventually turned. Daniel showed up right after they showed the scientist the sonar with the wheel clearly in view. Crazy though, HE HASN'T AGED SINCE THEN! Ben has obviously aged, Richard has NOT aged. Daniel hasn't aged either. The time, relativity, physics issue is going to come back to aging. I remember Mr. Crump teaching us in Physics that when Einstein discovered the theory of relativity he also found out that when someone travels in space and violates the space/time boundaries, they come back slightly younger than they left. I.E. if a twin goes to space and travels in space for a time and his other stays on earth, the twin that comes back from space will be mathematically younger than the twin that stayed on the earth. THAT'S CRAZY. High school education influencing my TV habits!

    P.S. You and Jer have to stay in a Bed & Breakfast one day. Rachel & I LOVE them. You meet the coolest people. This weekend we met a lady from Saugatuck, MI who now owns a B & B in Appomattox, VA. Really cool lady. B & Bs are like owning a kickin' house for a night that you can use, stay in, and your maids/butlers make you breakfast in the morning. All for a comparative price to a hotel room. Now THAT'S crazy.

  3. "Daniel DOES have a connection to the island before the freighter. He was there in the tunnel at the beginning of the episode when the crazy scientist from Dharma found the great energy pocket and wheel that Ben eventually turned. Daniel showed up right after they showed the scientist the sonar with the wheel clearly in view. Crazy though, HE HASN'T AGED SINCE THEN!"

    What if Daniel was only there because of them "flashing" on the island currently (meaning, the time traveling they are doing now) and he wasn't actually THERE in the past, but he's there in the past CURRENTLY. Ok, that was confusing. I mean, maybe him in the past is really him in the present because of the bouncing around on the time line. I think that scenario is much more likely. Also, as far as Richard not aging, maybe he's time traveling also. Seeing as he was a "hostel" (or an original inhabitant) maybe he knows about the ability to time travel. When he was talking to Locke after Locke was shot, he certainly seemed to know that Locke was shifting around in time. AND THAT HE WOULDN'T. Something to think about.
    I definitely remember that section in physics. I HATED all that relativity stuff in physics. Not my cup of tea. Funny to think about it so much 10 years later because of a silly TV show! :o)

  4. My only 100% on a test in Physics was the test on Relativity. That's the only reason I like it, I think.

    You are absolutely brilliant. I think you pegged Daniel & Richard. Richard actually went to see Locke in the past - as a little boy - because he knew how to travel in time. Unreal connections now. It makes you wonder about that skinny black guy that was pushing Locke in his wheel chair at the hospital too. Somehow they are going to learn how to control the time travel as the island skips around in time. They have to find a constant in both places to stay alive, so they have to end up finding that constant intentionally - i.e. controlling time travel.

    Another question: why do they all have to go back to the island? Is it really the reason we're being led to believe? I think Ben has a more sinister plan... like protecting the island from information getting out. If that is the case, what is going to happen to Hurley's mom?

  5. What if the Oceanic 6 are the constants for those left behind on the island? I read that this season is going to answer more questions than it presents... I'm not thoroughly convinced of that yet. But this back and forth has made me more excited for tomorrow night!
