Sunday, January 11, 2009

Can a girl just be sick for a day?

I was talking to one of my friends who is also young and married with no kids yesterday and I realized that people lack sympathy for 'us' (young married women) who come down with an 'unknown' sickness. Here's an example on a conversation:

Curious Conversationalist: Hey, I heard you wer sick yesterday. Are you feeling better?
Young Married Woman: Yeah, much better today thanks.
Curious Conversationalist: What was wrong?
Young Married Woman: I'm not sure, I was just puking a lot...maybe a slight fever. It was horrible.
Curious Conversationalist: Hmmmm (and they smile, wink, or just nod as if they're happy they you couldn't eat anything for a day for fear of seeing it twice!)

What if I end up having the Bubonic Plague or something? If your curiousity is sparked when you hear of or are in conversation with a nice young married woman near you, please be courteous and have a little sympathy! She's probably not having symptoms of pregnancy 99% of the time. That's all. Thanks!


  1. Be prepared for that to NOT END even when you've had children... My husband (of all people) has been teasing me lately about the possibility of being pregnant because I have renewed my absolute love for Mexican food... it's the little things that amuse people. Hang in there!
    Oh, and I love seeing when you guys update your blog!!! :o)

  2. hmmmm - just enjoy the ride, have fun talking and planning as well as planning and talking. What others think or say should have no saying on what the two of you decide is best for you.

    Sorry to hear Rach is not feeling so well.
    Loving you from Michigan,

  3. this one is my favorite
    you crack me up
    and i loved kevin's dialog about you... so funny and yet so true...
